
The Largest
NLP Infrastructure
in Poland

now available for business

We offer a wide range of services and tools that can enhance the daily operations of any business, especially in the areas of:


  • improving website search systems with machine learning models

  • chatbot components that enhance their ability to understand user intentions and engage in natural language conversations

  • customer satisfaction analysis for specific aspects of the product

Media Monitoring

  • precise and fast text sentiment analysis

  • components for personalised press material search systems

  • discovering new trends and increasing control over brand opinions online


  • enhancing personal data processing systems with solutions from our experts

  • fine-tuning language models to match customer's demands

  • adapting natural language processing tools to specific task requirements

See more

We create innovative products based on machine learning

that cater to the specialised needs of virtually any industry.


Our language technologies have already been applied in fields as diverse as finance and medicine. Additionally, they can improve the daily operations of any business, for example, in personal data processing or marketing.

The CLARIN-PL-Biz R&D project, planned for 2020-2023, allowed us to introduce a commercial offer for companies.

This is a unique endeavour within the pan-European CLARIN network, which was initially focused mainly on non-commercial scientific research.

Main Objectives


Establishing a stable technology centre

providing the hardware base for the development of data exploration technologies


Developing language technologies

(databases, software modules, web services, and applications) that are not yet offered by existing research infrastructures and open resources


Providing language material

at various stages of processing: raw data, structured (with metadata), and annotated (with additional interpretation layers)


Specialising in the Polish language

and other Slavic languages, while integrating tools and resources for globally spoken languages and readiness to work with other languages


Ensuring stable and easy access for clients

to purchased solutions in accordance with current external standards


Creating both universal components

and tools for further development, as well as specialised, ready-to-use applications


Uniformity and interoperability

of individual resources and tools, as well as their compliance with widely accepted external standards

All this makes CLARIN-PL-Biz more than just a code repository, a language resource archive, or an online service with specialised business applications.

Beyond the tools themselves, we offer business clients everything that our academic partners know as CLARIN Type B and Type K Centres:


Type B and Type K

  • Collecting and permanently storing proprietary language data, including so-called big data, in various forms: text, speech recordings, multimodal data, or associated numerical-symbolic resources;
  • Semantic indexing, annotation, and preparation of data for further processing;
  • Extracting information and knowledge from large language databases and automatic reasoning based on language data;
  • Professional expert support at every stage of collaboration.

Our partners who join at this stage of development gain the opportunity to actively influence the final shape of our business offer.


Frequently asked questions about business collaboration

What is CLARIN-PL Biz?

Which industries can benefit from CLARIN-PL Biz resources?

How can my company collaborate with the CLARIN-PL Biz consortium?

How much do consultations cost?

What is the step-by-step process for project collaboration with CLARIN-PL Biz?

What is the average waiting time for approval of project applications under the SMART path from the European Funds for a Modern Economy?

If you are interested in collaboration within CLARIN-PL-Biz or if you have any questions,

feel free to contact us
